Charlie Wilson was a giant man in a political world filled with small people with small minds.
He did his great works out of sight, not for glory, not for fame.
He did it for the simple reason it was the right thing to do.
If we only had a few more like him today, the world would be a much better place.
He will be greatly missed. God Speed Charlie.
The movie with Tom Hanks was Hollywood, but Charlie liked it.
If you ever get the chance watch the History Channel program on Charlie Wilson.
All the real characters, including Charlie and the Ex-president of Pakistan, tell the real story as it happened historically.
Or read his book.
As the Ex-president of Pakistan says at the end when asked how a ragtag group defeated a superpower his answer is three words: "Charlie did it".
And to all the despicable haters who trashed him in death, who obviously know nothing of history, life decorum or evidently anything else. A few facts: (although Charlie would just laugh and say “let um be”)
The Taliban and Al queda did not exist when the USSR was there and no CIA money went to either. What was left of the groups that Charlie and latter the CIA funded became the Northern Alliance, which both the Taliban and al queda fought against. Al queda was formed and funded by OBL with his personal wealth. That is historical fact.
Charlie wanted to stay involved in Afghanistan, but with the USSR defeated support in Congress for funding dried up. Those small minds again.
Charlie wouldn't hate on you, he fought small mind his whole life, he would probably buy you a drink, and wish you well.
Al Queda was formed by OBL mainly in response to the US troops being stationed in Saudi Arabia in the 80's to fight Iraq in the first Gulf War. So if you wish to say the Twin Towers would be standing today if we didn't fight the First Gulf War you may have a case. But that had nothing to do with Charlie Wilson. OBL did not plan to attack the US until after our troops set foot in, in his view, the Holy Land of near Mecca. OBL liked Charlie's work against the USSR. If the USSR kept control of Afghanistan and we still fought the First Gulf War OBL would have still turned against us.
Charlie wanted to stay involved in Afghanistan and rebuild it, but with the USSR defeated support in Congress for funding dried up.OBL did not plan to attack the US until after our troops set foot in, in his view, the Holy Land near Mecca. OBL liked Charlie's work against the USSR. If the USSR kept control of Afghanistan and we still fought the First Gulf War OBL would have still turned against us."As the world now knows, his efforts and exploits helped repel an invader, liberate a people, and bring the Cold War to a close. After the Soviets left, Charlie kept fighting for the Afghan people and warned against abandoning that traumatized country to its fate – a warning we should have heeded then, and should remember today," Defense Secretary Gates said in a written statement.
Of course Pakistan got something to help Charlie, do you think Obama is not giving them stuff today for their help fighting the Taliban? That's the real world, you want someones help then you got give them something, oil, money, military assistance, etc.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" goes back 1000's of years.That quote itself is from a Roman Senator. Doesn't really mean it's "OK' i guess but it's how the real world works and has been so for all the recorded history we have, about 5000 years worth. The earliest writing we have from China and Egypt speak of playing tribes on their borders against each other. People like Charlie Wilson and leaders we have today have to work in the real, "not ideal" world. Doesn't make them bad people, unless of course you argue all Humans are really "bad people" which may be true.
And so the circular firing squad begins…
Charlie Wilson, a Progressive Democrat, a man who spent his whole life, fighting for the poor, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden, died yesterday.
When he was a boy he had a dog he loved and a neighbor who was a local politician.
The neighbor didn’t like Charlie’s dog doing “his business” in his beloved yard.
One night the man left some meat filled with crushed glass for Charlie’s dog.
Charlie spent the next night cradling his dying dog in his arms.
The next night he pored gasoline on the man’s yard and burned it.
When the man was up for reelection, Charlie went to the poorest part of town, mostly African-American, and spent the whole Election Day telling them what happened to his dog and carrying them to the polls in his pickup.
The next day when the man lost the election, Charlie knocked on his door, looked him in the eye, and told him, “don’t kill anymore dogs”.
Those same poor African-Americans became Charlie’s base when he was elected to Congress and he always fought for them.
And so of course the Progressives couldn’t wait to trash him in death.
And may whatever God you worship have mercy on your souls…
Friday, February 12, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Rahm Emanuel’s apology accepted by everyone except Progressives
Rahm Emanuel said, referring to Progressives who suggested running ads against Blue
Dog Democrats, “That’s fu**ing Ret**ded!”
And he has already apologized for the choice of words.
As Obama said of Rahm Emanuel on Mothers Day, “this is a hard day for Rahm, he is not used to saying the word day after mother”
Rahm Emanuel is the one who got the Blue Dogs elected in the first place, he personally recruited many of them. Why, because these are conservative districts and thoe ONLY way to get a Democrat elected in a conservative district is to run a moderate Democrat! DUH!
If a Progressive would have run in those districts, the GOP would have won and gained control of Congress, is that better?
Remember, it is the Progressives in the House that are stopping the House from approving the Senate Health care bill. Because it is not Progressive enough. They are doing this KNOWING that any future bill from the Senate will be FAR LESS Progressive! Now that’s “That’s fu**ing Ret**ded!”
Progressive Democrat are behaving like a 5 year old child that demands 10 cookies from his Mother, she says you can only have 5, so the child stomps off to his room yelling THEM I’LL EAT NO COOKIES!
Dog Democrats, “That’s fu**ing Ret**ded!”
And he has already apologized for the choice of words.
As Obama said of Rahm Emanuel on Mothers Day, “this is a hard day for Rahm, he is not used to saying the word day after mother”
Rahm Emanuel is the one who got the Blue Dogs elected in the first place, he personally recruited many of them. Why, because these are conservative districts and thoe ONLY way to get a Democrat elected in a conservative district is to run a moderate Democrat! DUH!
If a Progressive would have run in those districts, the GOP would have won and gained control of Congress, is that better?
Remember, it is the Progressives in the House that are stopping the House from approving the Senate Health care bill. Because it is not Progressive enough. They are doing this KNOWING that any future bill from the Senate will be FAR LESS Progressive! Now that’s “That’s fu**ing Ret**ded!”
Progressive Democrat are behaving like a 5 year old child that demands 10 cookies from his Mother, she says you can only have 5, so the child stomps off to his room yelling THEM I’LL EAT NO COOKIES!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Business taxes are as regressive as sales taxes
Taxes on businesses are as regressive as sales tax. Taxes on businesses are simply passed on to consumers in the price of products they sell. This raises the cost of things people buy just like sales taxes do. The only way taxes on businesses are not regressive is if those taxes are only on companies that sell luxury products like champaign or yachts.
I will try to make this simple, if you for example tax oil companies; the price of gas and heating oil goes up just like it would if you put a sales tax on gas or heating oil.
All costs such as labor, rent, energy, raw materials, TAXES, etc. are added together to make up the final cost of the product you are selling. If you increase any one of these, the final price of the product goes up to cover the additional cost, just as it does when you add a sales tax to it.
I will use a simple example:
If I sell 10,000 clocks a year, and you add a tax to my business of $100,000 per year, the price of the clocks goes up $10.00 each so I can pay the tax. This is the same as adding a $10.00 sales tax on each clock sold.
Taxes on business are regressive if the companies sell products that common people buy. If you raise taxes of farmers, the price of food goes up.
If you want a business tax to not be regressive, it must be on companies that produce products that only rich people buy, like expensive champaign or yachts.
It is politically easier to raise taxes on business because the taxes are hidden in the cost of the products they sell instead of showing up on your receipt as “sales tax”; but the net result is exactly the same. This is why in Europe they use a “value added” tax so people don’t realize how much tax they are paying.
I will try to make this simple, if you for example tax oil companies; the price of gas and heating oil goes up just like it would if you put a sales tax on gas or heating oil.
All costs such as labor, rent, energy, raw materials, TAXES, etc. are added together to make up the final cost of the product you are selling. If you increase any one of these, the final price of the product goes up to cover the additional cost, just as it does when you add a sales tax to it.
I will use a simple example:
If I sell 10,000 clocks a year, and you add a tax to my business of $100,000 per year, the price of the clocks goes up $10.00 each so I can pay the tax. This is the same as adding a $10.00 sales tax on each clock sold.
Taxes on business are regressive if the companies sell products that common people buy. If you raise taxes of farmers, the price of food goes up.
If you want a business tax to not be regressive, it must be on companies that produce products that only rich people buy, like expensive champaign or yachts.
It is politically easier to raise taxes on business because the taxes are hidden in the cost of the products they sell instead of showing up on your receipt as “sales tax”; but the net result is exactly the same. This is why in Europe they use a “value added” tax so people don’t realize how much tax they are paying.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Lets get to work on a real Green Energy Future
Only about 20% of co2 comes from cars and trucks, most comes from electric generationand our electric demands will only go up in the future not matter how much conserving we do.
And a note to all keyboard warriors: 20% of our electric use goes to power the Internet! And that will grow enormously when the network is upgraded to the point where we all have smart phones downloading video 24/7.
Do some research and any reasonable person will see nuclear is our ONLY real option.
Watch this Penn and Teller You Tube video on our Anti-Nuclear silliness:
Nuclear power is safe, clean, green and renewable. The waste problem is solved by Yucca Mountain, with only Harry Reid holding it up. And he will be gone soon. For the next 50-100 years our choice is Coal or Nuclear. Wind and Solar cannot be anything other than a small player. The wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t shine at night. Wind and Solar cost about 10 times as much as coal and 5 times as much as Nuclear. Wind and Solar cannot provide baseline power. The left completely ignores the science and indulges their Anti-Nuclear religion, Why?
Every time you see one of those Al Gore commercials that says we need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and then show a windmill turning, most American realize what a joke that is. ALL the science tells us that in the near future our only choice is Nuclear or coal. To oppose Nuclear power is to ignore real science and extends our reliance on green house gas producing power sources. Either support Nuclear or quite complaining about using coal. Even Obama’s energy chief realizes this. France and Japan get most of their electricity from Nuclear with NO PROBLEMS.
There has to be a plan in place to move to carbon free sources before cap and trade or a carbon tax is implemented. Wind and solar can only represent about 20-25% of our energy needs as Obama’s energy czar, Dr Chu, realizes. Only about 20% of co2 comes from cars, trucks and planes, most come from electric generation and our electric demands will only go up in the future not matter how much conserving we do.
The ONLY choice we have today for the other 75% of baseline power are Coal or Nuclear.
Every time you see one of those Al Gore commercials that says we need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and then show a windmill turning, most American realize what a joke that is. ALL the science tells us that in the near future our only choice is Nuclear or coal. To oppose Nuclear power is to ignore real science and extends our reliance on green house gas producing power sources. Either support Nuclear or quite complaining about using coal. Even Obama’s energy chief realizes this. Breeder reactors can greatly extend uranium supplies but there are even better solutions that do not lead to proliferation problems.
Even Harry Reid supports Thorium reactors!
Thorium reactors offer no possibility of a meltdown, generated its power inexpensively, create no weapons-grade by-products, and burnt up existing high-level waste as well as old nuclear weapon stockpiles. Thorium fuel can be modified to be used in current reactors.
Here are some sources or just google “thorium reactors”
And a note to all keyboard warriors: 20% of our electric use goes to power the Internet! And that will grow enormously when the network is upgraded to the point where we all have smart phones downloading video 24/7.
Do some research and any reasonable person will see nuclear is our ONLY real option.
Watch this Penn and Teller You Tube video on our Anti-Nuclear silliness:
Nuclear power is safe, clean, green and renewable. The waste problem is solved by Yucca Mountain, with only Harry Reid holding it up. And he will be gone soon. For the next 50-100 years our choice is Coal or Nuclear. Wind and Solar cannot be anything other than a small player. The wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t shine at night. Wind and Solar cost about 10 times as much as coal and 5 times as much as Nuclear. Wind and Solar cannot provide baseline power. The left completely ignores the science and indulges their Anti-Nuclear religion, Why?
Every time you see one of those Al Gore commercials that says we need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and then show a windmill turning, most American realize what a joke that is. ALL the science tells us that in the near future our only choice is Nuclear or coal. To oppose Nuclear power is to ignore real science and extends our reliance on green house gas producing power sources. Either support Nuclear or quite complaining about using coal. Even Obama’s energy chief realizes this. France and Japan get most of their electricity from Nuclear with NO PROBLEMS.
There has to be a plan in place to move to carbon free sources before cap and trade or a carbon tax is implemented. Wind and solar can only represent about 20-25% of our energy needs as Obama’s energy czar, Dr Chu, realizes. Only about 20% of co2 comes from cars, trucks and planes, most come from electric generation and our electric demands will only go up in the future not matter how much conserving we do.
The ONLY choice we have today for the other 75% of baseline power are Coal or Nuclear.
Every time you see one of those Al Gore commercials that says we need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and then show a windmill turning, most American realize what a joke that is. ALL the science tells us that in the near future our only choice is Nuclear or coal. To oppose Nuclear power is to ignore real science and extends our reliance on green house gas producing power sources. Either support Nuclear or quite complaining about using coal. Even Obama’s energy chief realizes this. Breeder reactors can greatly extend uranium supplies but there are even better solutions that do not lead to proliferation problems.
Even Harry Reid supports Thorium reactors!
Thorium reactors offer no possibility of a meltdown, generated its power inexpensively, create no weapons-grade by-products, and burnt up existing high-level waste as well as old nuclear weapon stockpiles. Thorium fuel can be modified to be used in current reactors.
Here are some sources or just google “thorium reactors”
The rising tide of anger over illegal immigration
There is a huge rising tide of anger in this country. You can see it in the so-called tea partiers, the Mass election and many other places. People are MAD because neither party seems to give a flip about average working Americans!
Here are some questions for Progressive and Conservative leaders.
1. English is a requirement for citizenship. Not speaking English does not mean you are here illegally, you could be here on a student, worker or tourist visa, but you are not a citizen. Only citizens can vote. Why then are ballots and voter registration cards printed in Spanish?
2. Why do Americans go bankrupt over medical bills yet illegal immigrants get free medical care?
3. We have 10% unemployment and are paying BILLIONS in unemployment benefits so why do politicians say we need to legalize 12 million illegal workers?
4. We already have laws against hiring illegal workers so why are employers not REQUIRED to verify workers thru E-Verify and follow these laws?
5. Average Americans wages are going down so why do politicians say we need millions of low wage immigrant workers?
6. So-called sanctuary cities that cater to illegal immigrants are breaking federal law so why do their leaders not get prosecuted and why do they still get federal tax dollars?
7. Why do Progressive leaders, who are supposed to be the champions of average American workers, support illegal immigrants who depress their wages and take their jobs?
Here are some questions for Progressive and Conservative leaders.
1. English is a requirement for citizenship. Not speaking English does not mean you are here illegally, you could be here on a student, worker or tourist visa, but you are not a citizen. Only citizens can vote. Why then are ballots and voter registration cards printed in Spanish?
2. Why do Americans go bankrupt over medical bills yet illegal immigrants get free medical care?
3. We have 10% unemployment and are paying BILLIONS in unemployment benefits so why do politicians say we need to legalize 12 million illegal workers?
4. We already have laws against hiring illegal workers so why are employers not REQUIRED to verify workers thru E-Verify and follow these laws?
5. Average Americans wages are going down so why do politicians say we need millions of low wage immigrant workers?
6. So-called sanctuary cities that cater to illegal immigrants are breaking federal law so why do their leaders not get prosecuted and why do they still get federal tax dollars?
7. Why do Progressive leaders, who are supposed to be the champions of average American workers, support illegal immigrants who depress their wages and take their jobs?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A fair Deal for Americans from drug companies in the State of the Union address
How about giving Americans a fair deal from drug companies in the State of the Union address!
We are really upset at deals with drug companies.
Americans pay 3 to 5 times as much for drugs as people in other countries.
We pay ALL the R&D cost for the world. That's why people here want to get drugs from Canada. They’re the same drugs made by American drug companies sold to Canada (and everywhere else but in America) at 60 to 80 percent off!
This is one of the biggest reasons that health care costs so much more in America!
Simple pass a law that says American drug companies can not sell drugs in other countries for less than in America.
Every other countries cost would go up a little and our costs would go down a lot if the R&D costs were spread evenly.
Even the GOP would HAVE to support this. Their base would kill them if they did not.
We are really upset at deals with drug companies.
Americans pay 3 to 5 times as much for drugs as people in other countries.
We pay ALL the R&D cost for the world. That's why people here want to get drugs from Canada. They’re the same drugs made by American drug companies sold to Canada (and everywhere else but in America) at 60 to 80 percent off!
This is one of the biggest reasons that health care costs so much more in America!
Simple pass a law that says American drug companies can not sell drugs in other countries for less than in America.
Every other countries cost would go up a little and our costs would go down a lot if the R&D costs were spread evenly.
Even the GOP would HAVE to support this. Their base would kill them if they did not.
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