Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Can we afford the third war that Obama might bring?

Joe Biden's recent remarks that after Obama is elected, there will be a manufactured crisis somewhere in the world to test him brings up some interesting points. When a nation chooses a young and inexperienced leader, especially one that has a history of opposing armed conflict, it is only natural for America's enemies to choose this time to test us.

This has happened historically many times, not just to America but also throughout history. It happened when we elected John Kennedy and Khrushchev decided to test us with the Cuban missile crisis. It happened when England chose Margaret Thatcher as prime minister and Argentina decided that was the right time to test England. Margaret Thatcher was not young and inexperienced, but in the male-dominated macho world of Argentina, it was just assumed that a woman would not be a strong leader. If they had done their research they would have found out that she wasn't called the Iron Lady for nothing.

Part of this is of no fault of Obama himself. He can't control how old he is or how much experience he has. But part of it is the fact that he ran his whole campaign on the premise that we need to get out of Iraq quickly as possible. This could cause extremist groups all over the world that oppose our presence anywhere to attack us and hope that we leave. He will have no choice but to fight back, and fight back hard, to prove himself and prevent future tests. There is a very strong possibility that this could lead to another war that we don't really have the troops and the manpower to effectively fight right now.

Of course, Obama's supporters will point out that that he is almost exactly the same age and has almost exactly the same years of experience in government as Sarah Palin. Of course, there are two major differences, one she's running for vice president, not president and two she has a reputation for being a very tough fighter.

Although McCain's critics a point out that he might be a little erratic and have a bad temper, that is just the kind of leader that no one really wants to test. Nixon sought to convince the North Vietnamese that he was just a little crazy to improve his bargaining position. Somehow I can't help but think about Richard Pryor's attempt to convince his cellmates, in one of his movies, that he was insane so they would leave him alone.

One of the reasons that virtually everyone in the rest of the world wants America to elect Obama is they think that he will not be assertive on the world stage, and America's power and influence will diminish. And of course each of those countries hopes that partially they will be there to replace that influence. But I believe it is in interest of the United States that we choose a leader like McCain, who no one will dare test. An international crisis and possibly a third war are something we just cannot afford at this moment in our history.


Anonymous said...

Yes. America will be much safer with a competent, calm, collected leader like John McCain, who would never dismissively joke about bombing a country, and would never let his temper get the best of him.

Anonymous said...

The world is afraid to mess with McCain? Maybe, or the extremists may go to greater extremes. Another administration that does not view the needs or values of the rest of the world as important like the last one might make moderate groups go extreme or join Al Qaeda. Moderate groups in Iraq did just that in many cases after we showed up there and then stayed. With that kind of 'bull in the china shop' attitude over the past eight years America has the lowest positive standing in the world in decades and while some parts of Al Qaeda have grown weaker, extremists are popping up all over the globe now.

Maybe, our 'whack-a-mole' foreign policy needs a change and John McCain being compared to Nixon is a bad idea. Nixon wasn't just a little crazy for show. He was a little crazy for real and a lot of paranoid to boot.

So, if my choices are a crazy and paranoid tough guy that talks to no one unless they obey him, or someone that can fight hard, stay sane and raise America's standing in the world so less people want to kill us. I guess I'll go for sane and fighting for a reason instead of smarting off like a blow hard and picking fights just because we can.

-Wild Wallaby

more Wild Wallaby

Anonymous said...

Great post. It is spot on. It's sad that the two who left comments don't seem to get it, but what can you expect from Obama supporters.

Tim, I'd rather have someone who might lose his temper every now and then in charge than someone who walks around with a stupid grin on his face trying to get the world to love him.

Wildwallaby, I'm not sure where you got that MccAin is crazy and paranoid (but I'm sure you have seen things on DailyKos, right?) and I have NO idea where you get that Obama can fight hard (NOTHING in his paper thin resume indicates it), but all I know is Russia, Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Hamas have all said they hope Obama wins........I wonder why that is??

Anonymous said...

Interesting (in a psychological sense, although I don't necessarily agree with it -- the last thing we all need now is a loose cannon in the White House) but flawed, especially in a historical sense. Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister on May 4, 1979. The Falklands conflict began on April 2, 1982, a full three years into Thatcher's first term. Your statement -- "It happened when England chose Margaret Thatcher as prime minister and Argentina decided that was the right time to test England" -- is objectively false on that basis, and since you could otherwise only name the example of the Cuban Missile Crisis, you just haven't provided enough evidence with which to support your novel theory. One instance proves nothing.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

The line I have issue with is,

"One of the reasons that virtually everyone in the rest of the world wants America to elect Obama is they think that he will not be assertive on the world stage, and America's power and influence will diminish."

I can't disagree more. Obama is widely respected on the world stage. It is because of his international diplomacy, not domestic issues that I have decided to vote for him. Bush has made it very shameful to be an American. When traveling abroad, I have become more cautious about guarding my citizenship from others during the Bush administration. I fear retaliation. There is so much hatred toward our country now. Extending that hatred by electing McCain would only put our nation at more risk.

Anonymous said...

the USA has manufactuerd wars and coups for over sixty years; and all for corporate america. the difference between mccain and obama is mccain is more honest about it. here are some examples

Anonymous said...

Oh Obama will make everything nice--the 6-month crisis will be fixed lickedy-split--pre-arranged with his buddies.

and then our country is in for some HARD times.

People, I'm not crazy about either candidate, but Obama wants to kill babies. God doesn't like that folks. Bad move voting Obama in.

Anonymous said...

'When traveling abroad, I have become more cautious about guarding my citizenship from others during the Bush administration. I fear retaliation'

Seems in line with the philosphy of a typical Obama supporter. 'Fear retaliation', indeed! When I'm overseas, I don't stand on the rooftops screaming that I am an American, but I don't hide it. Indeed, fearing to acknowlege one's being an American in itself contributes to anti-Americanism, because it is human nature to assume that where there is smoke, there is fire. I could see not owning up to Amereican citizenship if travelling alone in Syria, Iran, or parts of Russia, but in much, perhaps most of the world it is simply craven.

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